I've heard this movie is really good visually but that it was lacking in plot / story line. Still, I was interested to watch because it uses actual SEAL tactics. This is not a movie for those who don't enjoy the action, obviously!

I wont tell you too much about the story but I will say that the script was pretty abysmal but I kind of expected that with all the military jargon. It was almost as if it were a documentary and at one stage I wondered if they had just set the whole thing up as a training exercise for the military because I could not fathom how much it would cost to film all the helicopters and submarines and fighter jets.
The acting was terrible, which the scripting didn't help. the few scenes that required acting made me wonder if they used real SEALs, that and the only person I recognized in the whole film was Emilio Rivera and he had something like two lines.

All in all, was alright if you're into the action. If you want to follow the story line / mission you have to pay a bit more attention. Probably shouldnt have watched an action movie when I have a buster headache but I'm a sucker for punishment and as such, I'm going to watch Black Hawk Down now.
3 out 5 SEALs
Fave Quote from the movie: A single twig will break while a bundle of twigs is strong.
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